The information and documents published on this site are supplied only for information purposes in order to show the activities performed by Brandimarte Marine s.r.l.
Nothing of whatever contained in this site or in the available documents should be considered as advertising services aimed at soliciting the customers or supplying legal advice or any other type of advice. Brandimarte Marine s.r.l. declines any liability for any costs, expense or damage which may arise from the use of the site or information supplied herein. The treatment of the personal data obtained through this site will be carried out according to the provisions of the Decree Law 30 June 2003, n.196.
The site and its contents are original and the exclusive property of Brandimarte Marine s.r.l. They could be used only in their original format for purposes complying with the one, for which they have been published and accompanied by the indications on the pertinent proprietorship and address of the same site.
However, any use having profit purposes is forbidden.